    HomeDIY IdeasSimple DIY Rubber Band Bracelets to Make Yourself (No Loom Required)

    Simple DIY Rubber Band Bracelets to Make Yourself (No Loom Required)

    Rubber band bracelets are all the rage these days, though I bet you never realized they were this easy to make?

    Armed with just a couple of pencils and a bunch of rubber bands in the colors of your choosing, you’ll be able to make these gorgeous fashion accessories so fast you’ll soon be giving them away to family and friends!


    TL;DR – There’s a tutorial on how to make rubber band bracelets if you don’t want to scroll through our ideas here.

    Though you had to buy a loom to make it happen? Not at all – we’ll show you how to make fast, easy and amazingly pretty bracelets with just a few simple household bits and pieces.

    Make a bunch for yourself, whip up extras as great gifts or use them to decorate your room – it’s so quick and easy you’ll have more than you’ll know what to do with.

    Rubber Band Bracelets: Simple, Safe, Superb!

    Imagerainbow loom bracelet Simple DIY Rubber Band Bracelets to Make Yourself (No Loom Required)

    This simply has to be one of the best craft projects for kids you’ll ever come across! Safe, affordable and so easy to master – just a few minutes of practice is all you’ll need to be churning out these bands like a regular factory!

    Experiment with colors, make a few rings or perhaps share your new skills with your friends – why not show them all how to make bands and bracelets at home?

    ImageHow to make rubber band bracelets

    ImageCool rubber band bracelets

    ImageHow do you make rubber band bracelets

    There’s an instructional video right here that will take you through the process, along with a bunch of pictures to inspire creativity! Just as soon as you pick up the basics with these rubber band beauties, you’ll be bouncing back for more!

    How to Make Rubber Band Bracelets [Video Tutorial]


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